
1st Level Human Bard

Played by Jonathan Lee

Race: Human (Oeridian-Flan)
Level/Class: 1st Level Bard
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 9
STR:14 DEX:15 CON:14 INT:12 WIS:4 CHA:14   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 175 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Complexion: Fair/tanned
Birthdate: Harvester 15, 565 CY   Biography: Who this character is and where he came from is likely to remain a mystery. The most that can be said about his skills is that he is a bard of some sort, albeit a strange one. He is first and foremost a great liar; saying what comes to his mind in response to even the most mundane of questions. This is not to say he isn’t friendly, quite the contrary; it is more appropriate to say that he is friends with everyone. The most unnerving thing about this man is that he seems to truly believe the tales he weaves. Chazz is a native to Oerth, but he stepped through a portal with some men that he had been held captive with and escaped into the Outer Planes.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last known to have been transported to the outer planar city of Sigil.

Year of Birth
565 42 Years old

Adventure History

594 CY
To Baator and Back
The Eternal Boundary


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