Chuldun Koor

1st Level Human Fighter

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Human (Oeridian-Flan)
Level/Class: 1st Level Fighter
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 15
STR:17 DEX:14 CON:16 INT:10 WIS:8 CHA:9   Height: 6 feet 5 inches
Weight: 250 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Complexion: Tanned/scarred
Birthdate: Richfest 3, 568 CY   Biography: A giant of a man; tall, muscular and resilient. Chuldun Koor is a Keolandish swordsman who was taken captive while fighting to defend Furyondy during the Greyhawk Wars. Brutally mistreated by the humanoids of Iuz, the warrior spent several years as a slave in that vile realm. Kept alive for his strength and stamina, Chuldun managed to escape with a group of fellow slaves into a portal that led to the Outer Planes. He is a stoic man, slightly confused by the otherworldly nature of the Planes. Although relatively inexperienced, Chuldun Koor is already a powerful adversary, and is likely to be destined for great things.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last known to have been transported to the outer planar city of Sigil.

Year of Birth
571 36 Years old

Adventure History

594 CY
To Baator and Back
The Eternal Boundary


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