Cympious Tzavarbeard (sim-PIE-us ZAV-ar-beerd)

2nd Level Dwarf Paladin

Played by Christopher Zaremba

Race: Dwarf (Hill)
Level/Class: 2nd Level Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 21
STR:15 DEX:13 CON:14 INT:8 WIS:11 CHA:14   Height: 4 feet 2 inches
Weight: 169 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Coldeven 27, 555 CY   Biography: The Tzavarbeard family was widely considered to be one of the fiercest of the dwarven clans of Greysmere. They have a long tradition of grim and noble warriors, and as such, Cympious was trained as a soldier from a very young age. Since his early childhood he was told it was his duty to bring honor to his clan.   However, when he finally came of age Cympious remained behind while all his peers moved on to join the ranging patrols of the Abbor-Alz, or to make distant journeys to aid allied dwarven strongholds in faraway lands. He was not yet ready to leave his home in search of his duty or honor. Something inside of the young dwarf made him hesitate in seeking his life-journey, as was tradition among the Greysmere dwarves. As the years wore on he continued to live in the vast halls of his ancestral home.   Then, in the winter of 605 CY, the dwarves of Greysmere struck a particularly rich vein of mithral silver in the deep mines below the fortress. As news of this find spread, an exceedingly wealthy delegation of elves from the reclusive Kingdom of Celene offered an exceptional fortune for some of the rich minerals to be delivered to them. Having tired of Cympious's refusal to move on, the matriarch and patriarch of his clan commanded him to join the band of soldiers outfitted to protect the caravan of mithral to the city of Narwell, where the valuable exchange would take place. Reluctantly, the young dwarf had no choice but to accept this responsibility or face great shame among his kindred.   The expedition to Narwell proved uneventful, but the journey ignited a spark inside Cympious's heart as he soaked in the sights and sound of a world he had previously found no interest in. But his real change of heart came when he was introduced to one of the elves that his clan was negotiating the trade with. Her name was Chandrelle Elmwood, and it was said that she was recently accepted into the Druidic Order of Celene and possessed the ability to commune with nature and speak with animals. Mesmerized by these mystical powers and her otherworldly beauty, Cympious found himself drawn to her. In his conversations with her, he discovered that she was, in fact, born in the Feywild, and was a rare breed of elf known as eladrin.   Chandrelle was kind to Cympious, and the young dwarf was utterly smitten with her. As a new member of her Order, the druidess had been instructed to perform her first mission for them. She had been assigned to journey to a place called "Storm Keep," an infamous castle on the borderlands of the Domain of Greyhawk and the wilds of the Abbor-Alz mountains. Supposedly, the keep had put out the call for "adventurers" to aid them in fighting back against a local "humanoid problem," much as it had some twenty years before. Determined to remain by Chandrelle's side for as long as he was able, the dwarf pledged himself to her, promising to do whatever he could to aid her on her quest and to keep her safe from harm, even laying down his own life if need be. Smiling kindly, the druid graciously accepted Cympious's heartfelt vow, and the two journeyed together towards the city of Hardby. There, they joined with a small band of likeminded heroes who had also assembled to answer the call from Storm Keep, and together headed out into the wilderness and an uncertain adventure.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently adventuring in the wilderness near Storm Keep on the borderlands of the Domain of Greyhawk.

Year of Birth
555 52 Years old

Adventure History

607 CY
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands


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