Cypher Darkholme

5th Level Elf Rogue

Played by Rob Aldred

Race: Elf (Wood)
Level/Class: 5th Level Rogue (Assassin)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 38
STR:12 DEX:18 CON:14 INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Vrown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Flocktime 12, 494 CY   Biography: Cypher was raised as a member of an elven tribe living in the Hollow Highlands. The wood elf tribe managed to eek out a fairly lucrative smuggling business, working both sides of the line between the United Kingdom of Ahlissa and the Kingdom of Sunndi . Unfortunately for the elves they were betrayed from within, and the location of a significant cache of arms being smuggled into Sunndi was revealed to the Ahlissan soldiery. In the ensuing battle, Cypher's mother and sister were slain and his father was taken prisoner. The rest of the tribe were either captured, killed, or enslaved.   Cypher managed to escape, having been left for dead among the bodies of his fallen tribesmen, and he pursued the Ahlissan soldiery back to the city of Naerie where his father was later executed in the town square. Cypher grimly watched from the gathered crowd, helpless to aid his father in his final moments.   Cypher wandered for a while after these events, living among the people of Ahlissa, observing their oppression under their cruel governance, and allowing his hatreds and thirst for revenge to grow. In time, he came into friendship with several others who shared his desire to strike back against the Ahlissan soldiery and those who command their actions. Together this small band were drawn into an adventure that led them south of Naerie to the mining town of Phandalin, hoping to earn some wealth that might help them to finance an uprising or a movement to harm the region's oppressive overlords.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Cypher was last seen heading east of Phandalin with his comrades.

Year of Birth
494 113 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Lost Mine of Phandelver


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