
1st Level Half-Orc Fighter

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Half-Orc (Flan)
Level/Class: 1st Level Fighter
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 12
STR:20 DEX:14 CON:19 INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:7   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 205 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Reddish-Brown
Hair: Brown-grey
Complexion: Coppery
Birthdate: Flocktime 22, 576 CY   Biography: Alive only because of the spark of hatred that burns in the pit of his soul, Devorak has spent the majority of his life in captivity, beaten and mistreated as far back as he can remember. When finally he regained his freedom by an uncertain twist of fate, he felt ready to exact his revenge on any who would ever oppose him. After passing through a portal that sent him into the Outer Planes with some fellow captives, he opted to stay with them, as several were capable fighters who were ready to stand by his side and help him take revenge on … everything.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last known to have been transported to the outer planar city of Sigil.

Year of Birth
576 31 Years old

Adventure History

594 CY
To Baator and Back
The Eternal Boundary


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