Dmitri Theldric Dazbog

2nd Level Human Cleric

Played by Adam Zaremba

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 2nd Level Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 15
STR:15 DEX:12 CON:13 INT:8 WIS:16 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 210 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown beard / Shaved Head
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Flocktime 1, 578 CY   Biography: Named after his infamous uncle, Dmitri Theldric Dazbog grew up in the Grand Cathedral of Hextor in the city of Alhaster. His father, Garrick, was also a priest of that church. As a child, this fact made Dmitri swell with pride, but as he aged he discovered to his great dismay, Hextor would not grant him spells, despite his fierce devotion and dedication. Perhaps, Dmitri thought, this was because his martial practice was somewhat lacking. And so, he was relegated to spending his days tending to the candles and torches of the cathedral, and attending every service in desperation to be acknowledged as a cleric of Hextor.   Throughout his time there his uncle Theldric would come and go periodically in between his pilgrimages, missions, and crusades. He seemed to always be at odds with the resident spiritual leader, Vierias Spatlepate, and even the divine champion Prince Zeech himself. That disfunction notwithstanding, Dmitri would always look forward to seeing his uncle, and enjoyed hearing his sermons that often broke with the rigid militarism of the usual preachers.   By the year 598, Dmitri was teaching history and religion to new disciples. Until one day, he received word that his uncle, who had spent many years in the Great Kingdom, was headed home to Alhaster with a great congregation of followers in tow. Dmitri prepared his students and the congregation welcomed them. Indeed Theldric had brought a small army with him, including several tieflings, a scarred woman named Kendra, and a half orc named Garrus. But something seemed different about his uncle. Theldric kept close council only with Kendra and Garrus, and he began conscripting many of the regular acolytes into his service.   As for Dmitri, he was immediately drawn to one of the tieflings, Danika. She was different than the others. Danika was traveling with her mother, but she was not a militant fiery warrior, but a cold, dark sorceress.   In the turmoil of the next few months, Theldric split the congregation and moved underground in his own preaching. Danika and Dmitri grew closer, and she confessed to him that her faith in Hextor was waning. Soon, Dmitri began to notice that the other acolytes of the faith were beginning to speak reverently of the deities Erythnul and Vecna, indicating some strange internal cult might be forming within the church.   Indeed, all this proved true. Dmitri overheard a whispered conversation between Prince Zeech and Vierias, where it was decided that the time had come to squash this blasphemous cult and drive Theldric from the city. Fearing that he might himself be caught up in this purging, Dmitri and Danika fled the church and moved into a small shack in Eel Town, a shanty suburb of Alhaster.   Dmitri and Danika married quietly and decided to distance themselves for a time from the city proper. They traveled the lands and settlements across the southern Bandit Kingdoms, eventually coming to the fearsome volcanic cynosure, White Plume Mountain. Seeing this natural wonder awakened something that had been burning inside Dmitri, and he took his first internal steps towards what would become his new faith and he began to take an active interest in the deity Joramy. Together, Dmitri and Danika planned to return briefly to Alhaster and then journey southwards towards the Free City of Greyhawk.   When they finally returned to our Allaster, however, they found their meager home was already in ruin. Garrus was waiting for them with a small troop – including several of the tieflings. The pair fought fiercely but they were eventually overcome. Caught between Garrus, the tiefling sisters, and several acolytes, Dmitri saw Danika retreat and slip away, calling to Telchur for aid just before he blacked out.   In the days that followed, Theldric demanded obedience from Dmitri in the service to their new “Overgod,” some bizarre tripartite merging of the deities Hextor, Erythnul, and Vecna. Believing his wife to have been killed and disgusted by his uncle’s apparent insanity, Dmitri lashed back at his namesake and cursed him. Furious, Theldric responded explosively and released a horrible swine-beast on Dmitri, but to the surprise of everyone present, the young cleric destroyed the creature with a column of fire. Then, with the unexpected aid of his father and Garrick (who revealed to him in that moment that his wife still lived), Dmitri fled Alhaster for lands south – but not before he burned down the building where Theldric was housing the entirety of his blasphemous cult.   After pursuing failed leads to locate his wife along his southward journey, Dmitri eventually found himself alone and nearly destitute in the port city of Hardby. There he met a roguish human named Stark who spoke to him of opportunities for bold adventurers to the east. With all his trails gone cold and his prospects grim, Dmitri agreed to accompany Stark and a band of other likeminded wanderers to the borderlands of the Domain of Greyhawk in the regions of Storm Keep.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently adventuring in the wilderness near Storm Keep on the borderlands of the Domain of Greyhawk.

Year of Birth
578 29 Years old

Adventure History

607 CY
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands


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