
3rd Level Elf Ranger/Rogue

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Elf (Wood)
Level/Class: 2nd Level Ranger / 1st Level Rogue
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 31
STR:10 DEX:16 CON:14 INT:12 WIS:14 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 135 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Unknown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Planting 13, 491 CY   Biography: Melandoril was born in Loftwood, where he lived in peace amonst his people, embracing the natural world. Humanoids from the Bone March overwhelmed his home, slaying his family and friends. Melandoril was himself traveling north of the forest to trade with the people of Ratik when the raid occurred, and so, is one of only a few surviving members of his kinsman.   When Melandoril returned to his homeland, the sight of the slaughter of his people broke him and the light and joy in his world lay in ash. On this day, the elf Melandroil ceased to be and the vengeance-seeking elf named Dusk was born.   He has since returned to Ratik seeking power and like-minded individuals who aspire to bring death to the monstrous races of the world. Dusk's ultimate goal is to become the perfect killer, and return to inspire fear in the humanoid tribes of the Bone March as he exacts his deadly revenge upon them.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the hidden ruins of Quasqueton in northern Ratik.

Year of Birth
491 116 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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