Ebon Doth

2nd Level Human Fighter

Played by Caden Lloyd

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 2nd Level Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 23
STR:16 DEX:12 CON:15 INT:11 WIS:10 CHA:10   Height: 6 feet
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Patchwall 24, 586 CY   Biography: Born the son of a popular local baron in the Hold of Optwall in Ratik, Ebon attained folk hero status relatively early in life. He fought bravely in the battles against the fierce humanoid tribes of the Bone March and served as a foot soldier in the battle of Kalmar Pass in 603 CY. He earned a reputation as a brave warrior and an excellent comrade among his fellow infantrymen.   Some few years after his time spent fighting along the southern lines of Ratik, after the conflicts had subsided, Ebon felt the call to adventure gnawing at him daily. He set out in 606 CY to serve as a caravan guard, arranged by his father, that was to travel northeast, all the way to the small village of Pine Vale and back again. Along the way, he became friends with several other folk that were also a part of the caravan, and upon reaching Pine Vale, decided to embark on a mission for the village magistrate to search for the hidden location of the legendary Quasqueton. The place was rumored to be the secret hideout of the infamous adventuring duo Rogahn and Zelligar, a warrior and a wizard, that had been missing for over a decade.   Although, Ebon's quest with his new friends had started out favorably, an urgent request from his father called him back to the Hold of Optwall to deal with an arising threat. Reluctant to leave his new friends but loyal to his father's need, Ebon departed for his homeland at once.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
In the Hold of Optwall in the Archbarony of Ratik.

Year of Birth
586 21 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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