Elghinn Del'harl

1st Level Dark Elf Rogue

Played by Joseph Towers

Race: Dark Elf (Drow)
Level/Class: 1st Level Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 6
STR:12 DEX:18 CON:14 INT:17 WIS:10 CHA:8   Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 105 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: Silver
Complexion: Black
Birthdate: Readying 3, 472 CY   Biography: Dark, secretive, and calculating; the drow assassin Elghinn Del’harl is a dangerous person to cross. After being held captive for a stretch of time by the humanoids of Iuz, Elghinn escaped into a portal that took him and several other captives into the Outer Planes. He has found the city of Sigil very much to his liking; the dark roads and alleys combined with the oppressive weather and sky conditions make him feel as close to the underdark as he has felt since his departure from that realm. His companions, while not the most preferable company, suit his needs well enough — at least for now.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last known to have been transported to the outer planar city of Sigil.

Year of Birth
472 135 Years old

Adventure History

594 CY
To Baator and Back
The Eternal Boundary


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