Emick Trel'Eris

4th Level Elf Bard/Fighter

Played by Bryan Bock

Race: Elf (High)
Level/Class: 2nd Level Bard / 2nd Level Fighter
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 20
STR:13 DEX:15 CON:11 INT:13 WIS:12 CHA:16   Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 145 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Patchwall 24, 474 CY   Biography: The enigmatic Emick Trel’Eris is a stranger to everyone, even his own kind. Having wandered far and wide across the Flanaess, the valley elf finally settled on semi-permanent company with a band of mismatched outlaws in the eastern Great Kingdom. Emick is prone to drunkenness and other addictions, but always maintains a fair and pleasant demeanor, even while he’s talking you out of your hard-earned money. His skills as an orator are unquestionable, and he is no stranger to combat. His comrades find his oddities to their liking, and his recent exploits with them have led him into possession of a strange and supposedly magical item. It is known as Shucky’s Eye, a crystalline orb fashioned to look like a humanoid eye. The device radiates magic, but at present, Emick has not determined its power. Despite this fact, Emick deemed the risk worth the potential reward of inserting the spherule into the socket of his left eye. In a fit of drunken stupor, Emick used his own dagger to remove his eyeball one evening and inserted Shucky’s Eye into his skull.   So far, no benefits have been discovered.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in the Domain of Greyhawk, somewhere east of the city.

Year of Birth
474 133 Years old

Adventure History

597 CY
The Search for Malleck Dern
The Blue Key
Eye for an Eye
The Demonclaw

598 CY
The Cradle of Madness


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