
9th Level Human Ranger/Fighter

Played by George Collins

Race: Human (Oeridian-Flan)
Level/Class: 9th Level Ranger (Hunter) / 4th Level Fighter (Battle Master)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 85
STR:12 DEX:16 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 160 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray/Brown
Complexion: Weathered/tanned
Birthdate: Coldeven 9, 569 CY   Biography: Garron keeps the details of his dark past a secret from nearly everyone he knows, for he once served among the forces of Elemental Evil that plagued the countryside around the Village of Hommlet and the realms that border it. Once, he spent his time in the company of wicked folk, and traveled upon a self-destructive path that nearly led him to death or worse. But an unexpected turn of events provided Garron with the hope of personal redemption, and he has now turned against the evil cultists who seek to bring terror and doom to the good folk dwelling in the fertile valley south of Verbobonc and Veluna.   Garron joined with a band of heroes who have set their purpose on exposing and defeating this cult of Elemental Evil. Together, they hope to lay low these foul agents and eradicate any future threat that they might pose. Indeed, it seems that the sinister religion has chosen four prophets to herald in a vengeful wave of destruction against the people who have worked so hard to thwart them over the decades, and Garron relishes the opportunity to defeat these terrible "Princes of Elemental Evil," so that he might finally find a sense of peace and belonging.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in conflict with the Cult of Elemental Evil and the Princes of the Apocalypse in the regions surrounding the town of Hommlet.

Year of Birth
569 38 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Princes of the Apocalypse


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