Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV

16th Level Human Paladin

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 16th Level Paladin (Oath of Devotion)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 132
STR:19 DEX:10 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:18   Height: 6 feet 5 inches
Weight: 225 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Coldeven 7, 584 CY   Biography: Geoffrey is the son of the famous paladin, Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III, Baron of Goldenridge and leader of the Ten. He was born in Goldenridge and was raised in that prosperous realm under the careful eye and expert tutelage of some of the most powerful heroes of the Flanaess. As a result, Geoffrey is extremely well learned, skilled in combat, and wiser than his years might otherwise imply. Despite coming from such wealth and privilage, Geoffrey has nevertheless learned the value of generosity and has been taught the knightly virtues of charity, courage, and honor.   Over the years, he became a scholar of his father's adventures and achievements, and this instilled in him an intense desire to form a heroic group of his own and spend his life fighting against evil as his father before him. But the young paladin found it difficult to accomplish this endeavor, since he was scrutinized by his father and his father's companions, who feared that one of their many enemies might seize the opportunity to take revenge on them by harming the offspring of their old adversaries.   At the age of 21, Geoffrey recognized a window of opportunity to set out on his own with no interference from his mother or father. King Kimbertos Skotti of Keoland called all the rulers of his realm for an important conference of lords in the capital city of Niole Dra. Geoffrey's father and his 9 companions were among those summoned and they set out at once to attend the important summit. With his father and his closest confidants absent, and his mother busy with local affairs, Geoffrey executed his long awaited plan to set off on his own into the world. Geoffrey assembled a band of friends and acquaintances to join him in a mission to rid the Dreadwood Forest of the bandits that plagued the roads leading south through the feared woodlands. Relying on the rumors provided by one of his comrades, a halfling named Olo Highhill, the group made for the supposed location of the brigand's hideout. Unfortunately, the halfling was actually leading him into a trap that was set by the infamous drow priestess, Eclavdra, an old enemy of the Ten. Geoffrey, along with three of his other companions, were taken prisoner by the drow and carried hundreds of miles away southward and down into the Underdark.   Geoffrey's tale might have ended there, but he and his companions, along with a rag-tag band of strange humanoids, managed to escape from the drow prison of Velkynvelve and into the sunless realm of the Underdark. For months they struggled to make their way back to the surface, pursued by the drow jailers who desperately tried to recover the prized prisoner of their mistress. As their paths led them inexorably towards the world above, Geoffrey and his comrades discovered that some terrible event had caused a massive disturbance in this underworld. For reasons unknown, some of the most powerful demon princes of the Abyss had been summoned into the Underdark and were claiming various regions as their own, spreading madness and chaos wherever they went. Ultimately, young Geoffrey and his band did fight their way to the surface and they returned to Goldenridge, battle weary, but seasoned with experience.   After a brief respite, Geoffrey and his band lent their aid to the Archbarony of Nume Eor who had send the call for aid to their northern neighbors to help them in their fight against banditry along their important central trade roads. During their efforts to help, the heroes discovered that an ancient enemy of the land, Sakatha, had returned from the dead to wreak havoc on the land and claim vengeance against the Count of Eor. But the lizard king was laid low by Geoffrey and his fellow adventurers, and they returned from his swamp temple with great wealth and growing renown.   But even as they completed this quest, Geoffrey and his companions were summoned once more by King Brogan Stoneheart of Urrakbek-Duum. In this meeting with the king, the group was convinced based on their previous experience in the Underdark that they were the best candidates for the quest to discover the mystery surrounding the presence of the powerful demon princes wreaking havoc below. The dwarves of Urrakbek-Duum and the people of the Yeomanry deeply feared that the demons would almost certainly make their way to the surface before long to spread their madness and carnage as far as their evil would carry them. In 606 CY, Geoffrey disappeared into the Underdark once more to learn what they could in the fabled interdimensional library of Gravenhollow, and if possible, put a stop to the demon invasion.   The group has not been seen or heard from since.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last seen in the dwarven fortress of Urrakbek-Duum, where he descended into the Underdark with his fellow adventurers.

Year of Birth
584 23 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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