Gohma Bloodmoon

3rd Level Half-Orc Barbarian

Played by Ben Mooney

Race: Half-Orc
Level/Class: 3rd Level Barbarian (Path of the Ancestral Guardian)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 36
STR:17 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:8   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 215 lbs
Gender: Female
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Greenskin
Birthdate: Ready'reat 1, 590 CY   Biography: Gohma was born into an orc clan with ancient roots known as the Bloodmoon Clan. Hailing from the Abbor-Alz mountain range, they have managed to survive in recent years by serving as trappers, trail guides, and hunters. More recently, the clan has made human relationships with some of the more hardy hillsmen resulting in half-orc offspring.   Growing up, Gohma showed the most promise of her siblings when it came to both physical combat and mental acuity. The elders of her tribe singled her out and began training her to become a Gogol-Nak, or spirit warrior.   When she was of age, the three remaining Orc Elders of her tribe - Ulamog Spirit-Speaker, Swift Gogok, and Sawtooth the Mouth-and-Tongue charged her with leaving the tribe to discover what she could about the “more civilized races” down in the hills and plains near Hardby. She would soon find herself amongst some of the most diverse company she had ever met in her life.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently adventuring in the wilderness near Storm Keep on the borderlands of the Domain of Greyhawk.

Year of Birth
590 17 Years old

Adventure History

607 CY
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands


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