Greault Dreadwood

6th Level Half-Orc Barbarian

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Half-Orc
Level/Class: 6th Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 66
STR:18 DEX:16 CON:16 INT:8 WIS:8 CHA:8   Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 240 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark Gray
Hair: Black
Complexion: Greenskin
Birthdate: Wealsun 9, 588 CY   Biography: Greault is the son of Grellus, one of a pair of full-blooded orc brothers that were rescued by the Ten during their adventures against the giants of the great western mountain range. His mother was a half-orc named Gyursilk, who was possessed of a remarkable good nature and found in Grellus an unusually elevated nobility that drew her to him. Greault, their only child, was raised under the canopies of the Dreadwood and became a great hunter under the tutelage of Erick Strongbow. He also became close friends with Arakhor and Aerdon Strongbow, and Amon Duskbringer. After both of Greault's parents passed away, the young half-orc became fully under the care of the Strongbow clan, and the green-skinned battle-rager is fiercely loyal to them.   His physical bulk is quite imposing, as Greault appears more orcish than human. While intelligence and tact are not his strengths, his good-heartedness always overcomes his intimidating characteristics and overall lack of sound judgment.   In the spring 605 CY, Greault set out with his close companions into the wilderness of the eastern Dreadwood. What set out as a search for the missing Geoffrey Aspensore IV turned into an unexpected adventure. The young half-orc soon found himself involved in an effort to delve the depths of the legendary dungeon known as Rappan Athuk.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the dungeons of Rappan Athuk

Year of Birth
588 19 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Bandit's Nest
Rappan Athuk


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