Groo the Wanderer

20th Level Human Fighter

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Human (Flan-Oeridian)
Level/Class: 20th Level Fighter (Champion)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 233
STR:20 DEX:20 CON:20 INT:6 WIS:8 CHA:8   Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Planting 1, 553 CY   Biography: It is difficult to imagine what paths this wanderer might have walked were it not for the constant vigil his closest friends keep over him. Cursed with the mentality of a foolish child, Groo's intellectual setbacks also function as his only charm. He is rude, careless, unaware, violent, and usually manages to do and say the wrong thing at the worst possible moment. And yet remarkably, behind all this repugnance is a good heart, and it is for this reason that he has developed such a strong bond with those whom he holds company.   Groo's exploits are well documented. He participated in the cleansing of the original Temple of Elemental Evil from the wicked folk who sought to bring harm to the surrounding lands. He was instrumental in the dismantling of an infamous and powerful slave trade organization based out of the Pomarj. He was directly involved in the retaliatory strikes against the giants that were raiding and pillaging the realms in the west. He was also one of the adventurers responsible for thwarting the plans of the Demon Queen of Spiders and her efforts to conquer Oerth. He is a member of the renowned band of heroes known as the Ten, and he now spends most of his time lounging and consuming huge amounts of food and drink in the Barony of Goldenridge in the Kingdom of Keoland .   It is said that Groo suffered a terrible curse after he accidentally sacked a temple dedicated to Xerbo, Suel god of the Sea. Rumors persist that any seagoing vessel that Groo has ever set foot on has foundered and sunk, either while he was on it or shortly thereafter. The truth of these rumors have never been satisfactorily confirmed.


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