Janis Kandarian

1st Level Elf Sorcerer

Played by Jonathan Lee

Race: Elf (Gray)
Level/Class: 1st Level Sorcerer
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 4
STR:9 DEX:15 CON:11 INT:19 WIS:4 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 100 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Pale Gold
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Ready'reat 7, 331 CY   Biography: This brilliant but magically careless individual had spent nearly half a year as a captive in the Empire of Iuz before he finally made an escape through a portal to the Outer Planes. The fellow slaves he managed to escape with have found him a mysterious individual who is obsessed with the study of his wild magic (Janis refers to it as Variable Metamathic Magic). He is undoubtably dangerous to those who would be his enemy, and it is still uncertain if his friends are faced with the same danger.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last known to have been transported to the outer planar city of Sigil.

Year of Birth
331 276 Years old

Adventure History

594 CY
To Baator and Back
The Eternal Boundary


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