
16th Level Gnome Rogue

Played by Anthony Vitale III

Race: Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
Level/Class: 16th Level Rogue (Assassin)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 150
STR:10 DEX:18 CON:19 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:9   Height: 3 feet 5 inches
Weight: 80 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark Slate Gray
Hair: Bald
Complexion: Grayish-blue
Birthdate: Ready'reat 28, 537 CY   Biography: Jimjar was born in the svirfneblin stronghold of Blingdenstone in the Underdark below the Crystalmist Mountain range. He is quite secretive about his younger days, never speaking about his parents, siblings, or other family. This has led most to assume he must have been an orphan of some sort, and his ultimate profession only lends more credence to these speculations.   In 605 CY Jimjar fled his home and forged out into the Underdark after he had compounded a considerable debt with a powerful gambling ring in Blingdenstone. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the little fellow was captured by a patrol of drow and hauled off in chains to the prison of Velkenvelve for future use as a slave to the dark elves of Erelhei-Cinlu. But fate would not play out in such ways for Jimjar. He found himself to be cellmates with a group of surface-worlders that had also been captured and brought to the deadly prison. One of these captives was clearly a person of major importance to the drow guards, for some special treatments were obviously being given to ensure the human's survival. And so, Jimjar kept himself close to these prisoners, befriending them so that he might also curry some favor with the drow. Soon after, a daring prison break was enacted and the group escaped into the tunnels of the Underdark.   What followed was an epic journey and one that would lead Jimjar to heights of wealth and power he had never dreamed possible. Together, he and his new band escaped to the upperworld, where the little gnome beheld the sun for the first time in his life. A strange awareness of possibilities overtook him, and he quickly fell in love with the alien landscapes, vast open spaces, and brilliant colors. Jimjar, along with his comrades, took up a call to aid a barony in the Kingdom of Keoland to put an end to the banditry there and destroy the clandestine leader behind it all. It was there that they slew the vampiric lizardman known as Sakatha, apparently a foe of legend from some past age.   After completing their quest for the baron, Jimjar hired some local rogues in the city of Vendare to set the stage for a thieves' guild. He put some money on the street and promised that he would return to establish a place where the "underprivileged" of Vendare could earn themselves a living – and he would teach them how.   It was shortly after these few months that Jimjar and his now heroic friends were called back to the dwarven fortress of Urrakbek-Duum. The dwarf king that had helped them in their final escape from their drow pursuers in the Underdark was asking them for aid. Apparently, powerful demon lords had been causing great unrest in the lands below, and the party was offered a sizable reward to head back to that realm and discover the reason for these concerning affairs.   This journey led the heroes down the darkest roads they had yet walked, and pitted them against foes of tremendous might and power. Ultimately, Jimjar followed his friends all the way to the bitter end, facing off with a showdown against five of the most powerful demon lords in the multiverse and the megalomanic drow priestess, Eclavdra. Jimjar may not have fully understood all that transpired in those final days, and they linger now in his memory like a terrible dream. But he and his comrades won the day and returned to the world above.   As promised, Jimjar returned to the city of Vendare and set to establishing his very successful guild. Jimjar is courteous to his allies, generous to his friends, and rewarding to his loyal followers. But it is said that on occasion there are reports of a rival or an upstart of some kind who is mysteriously slain by a fast-moving creature of short stature, whose face is always concealed behind a terrifying skull-visaged mask...

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently serving as the Guild Master of Rogues in the city of Vendare.

Year of Birth
537 70 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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