Johann Klaus

3rd Level Human Cleric

Played by Ben Mooney

Race: Human (Suloise-Oeridian)
Level/Class: 3rd Level Cleric (Grave Domain)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Hit Points: 24
STR:10 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:16 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 183 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Gray-white
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Ready'reat 26, 554 CY   Biography: The Klaus family name has roots in Nyrond back to its formation and early glory. They can trace their name back to Nikolaus the Scholar, a man who held part in both the creation and collection of many divine texts to form religious libraries for the Kingdom of Nyrond. Through the early years the family enjoyed relative wealth and renown in the Kingdom due to Nikolaus’ efforts, and the continued station of members of the family in religious organizations.   As a child, Johann was stricken with a pox-like disease. After much prayer from his family and treatment from scholars, he survived the illness, but it left scars and marks across his face. Johann felt that he had seen the doors of death, but through divine work he was spared. He decided then to study religion and become a priest, as many in his family had been in the past.   As the nation began to decline during the Greyhawk wars, however, the Klaus family was faced with a difficult decision. Ultimately Johann’s father, Karl Klaus, was able to take his family to the Theocracy of the Pale due to his connections within the clergy. Johann’s parents, Karl and Ilse, along with his brother Kirk and sister Hannah, were able to live relatively comfortably there as the Theocracy remained mostly neutral during the conflicts.   During his time spent living in the Theocracy of the Pale, Johann found himself at odds with the nation's strict laws governing religion. He felt that, especially with so many people displaced from the warring nations, common folk should be free to worship whichever deity they please. He heard stories of the Free City of Greyhawk accepting refugees of any denomination, but found himself unable to face the journey back through Nyrond to get there. Instead, Johann found himself learning much of the different deities people worshiped, and would help administer ceremonies for them in secret.   When Johann’s father found out what he had been doing, they began to argue. His father worried that Johann’s insubordination would cause the Church Militant to bring violence to their family. Finding themselves unable to compromise with one another, Johann decided to travel east, over the Rakers and into the Archbarony of Ratik. There, he would continue to learn more of the wide range of deities of local religions and offer his services as a cleric, conducting ceremonies and blessing the ill as he traveled from town to town. When he heard of a group of adventurers seeking treasure and renown, he offered his services in hope of finding religious artifacts and text in a long-abandoned keep called Quasqueton.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the hidden ruins of Quasqueton in northern Ratik.

Year of Birth
554 53 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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