
14th Level Human Wizard

Played by Michael Simon

Race: Human (Suloise-Baklunish)
Level/Class: 14th Level Wizard
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 47
STR:11 DEX:12 CON:18 INT:19 WIS:10 CHA:11   Height: 6 feet
Weight: 162 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Wealsun 12, 577 CY   Biography: The safest thing to say about the wizard Kerrick is that he has a dangerous sense of humor. This powerful spell caster is not a man to be trifled with. His dark wit and unpredictability have long made his presence among his closest allies a difficult burden to bear. He is not loquacious, but when he does engage in conversation, he is prone to telling small lies mingled with truths that tend to upset and disturb those who seek a straight answer. Kerrick revels in the discomfort of those he deals with, perhaps because he knows that an unsettled adversary will grant him certain advantages.   His command of magic is second to none, and he has accomplished mighty deeds in the regions south of Verbobonc, including a year long assault on the Temple of All-Consumption and thwarting the machinations of the Doomdreamers, a cadre of cultists who worshiped He Who Must Never Awaken.   Kerrick is driven by an insatiable lust for power, though he does not allow himself to indulge in acts of evil. He has proven himself to be a valuable ally to his closest friends and a stalwart foe in the face of great danger.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Kerrick never returned from a final excursion beneath the old Temple of Elemental Evil. It is possible he has been killed, but there are some who believe otherwise.

Year of Birth
577 30 Years old

Adventure History

598 CY
NeMoren's Vault
Dungeon of the Fire Opal
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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