Mallick Eddri

5th Level Human Fighter

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 5th Level Fighter (Champion)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 47
STR:16 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:13   Height: 6 feet
Weight: 190 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Harvester 26, 579 CY   Biography: Mallick Eddri is an Oeridian man born of a proud and noble line. His Uncle, Count Fedorik Eddri fought valiantly, if futilely, against the forces of Ivid and the Great Kingdom during the Greyhawk Wars. For a time, Mallick was his squire and wished to be a knight. Their noble land of Idee is no more, a victim of betrayal from within and overwhelming forces from without.   Years have passed since the end of the war and Mallick has returned to the old lands. He hopes to one day see the county free again. He knows there will be a price in blood to pay for that to happen.   Mallick once had great respect for the church of Heironeous, but now holds the belief that they turned their back on Idee, and views them with total disdain. Mallick's dreams of being a knight are unfulfilled, and he has abandoned chivalric combat in favor of a more reckless and unfettered fighting style. Strong of arm, he has also trained as an archer, a commoners weapon, and wields a sword when battle is joined. He is a good man, not bloodthirsty, and feels more at home with the common folk now that his family has lost most of their influence. Still, the other nobles consider him of equal standing, at least the ones who aren't looking to put a knife in his back. His even temper does not extend to the enemies of Idee, the denizens of the Great Kingdom, and the Scarlet Brotherhood.   Can Mallick restore his family fortunes? Can he inspire the common folk to rise up and restore the good County of Idee. Can he survive the foes unknown, who would seek to eliminate his bloodline for once and for all? These things remain to be seen.   In 604 CY, down to his last few coins and feeling a bit desperate, Mallick joined with a band of steady comrades and headed into the southern lands of former Idee, now the Principality of Naerie. There he became involved in a successful effort to thwart the sinister plans of a mysterious figure known as the Black Spider. He and his companions navigated the mines of Phandelver and restored it to the people of Phandalin, gaining him some favorable local repute, a small fortune in treasure, and the will to return to the path of reclaiming his once proud family name.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Mallick was last seen heading east of Phandalin with his comrades.

Year of Birth
579 28 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Lost Mine of Phandelver


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