
6th Level Dwarf Barbarian

Played by Rob Schmitt

Race: Dwarf (Hill)
Level/Class: 6th Level Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 46
STR:16 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:6 WIS:9 CHA:11   Height: 4 feet 1 inch
Weight: 127 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Near-black
Hair: Dark Brown (white streaks)
Complexion: Deeply Tanned
Birthdate: Readying 18, 554 CY   Biography: Consumed with a lust for combat, this odd dwarven fighter can be as much of a hazard to the goals of his companions as he can be a help. When not enraged the dwarf’s social behavior is almost bearable. When combat ensues however, it is in everyone’s best interest to join alongside him or get the hell out of the way. Despite Marnic’s occasional tendency to fight until he is nearly dead himself, the warrior’s courage and stamina cannot be questioned. Perhaps the strangest trait that the dwarf possesses is his empathy with animals and his accompanying skill at training them. The finest example of this is his trusty stonehound, Haela, that usually fights fearlessly alongside her master.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently residing in the City of Greyhawk

Year of Birth
554 53 Years old

Adventure History

598 CY
The Shattered Circle
When a Star Falls
The Tomb of Hissthak
Trail of the Desert Slavers


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