
5th Level Dark Elf Fighter

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Dark Elf (Drow)
Level/Class: 5th Level Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 47
STR:16 DEX:18 CON:14 INT:16 WIS:14 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 125 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Silver
Complexion: Black
Birthdate: Sunsebb 2, 456 CY   Biography: Feared and reviled everywhere he goes on the surface world, Melandrak has spent most of his life as a loner and an outcast. Even in the darkest corners of the Flanaess, the drow are viewed with deep suspicion and mistrust. Only recently, in the company of other persona non grata, has Melandrak acquired some small degree of camaraderie. His own past is shrouded in mystery. How the dark elf found his way from the Underdark to the upper world is perhaps a tale even Melandrak himself does not know. He does not readily answer questions about himself, even to those few whom he has learned to trust. His skill with blades is no mystery, however. He has already begun to develop a name for himself, and there are whispers that he and the band of outcasts he travels with are destined to deliver a reckoning.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in the Domain of Greyhawk, somewhere east of the city.

Year of Birth
456 151 Years old

Adventure History

597 CY
The Search for Malleck Dern
The Blue Key
Eye for an Eye
The Demonclaw

598 CY
The Cradle of Madness


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