Merrick of Chendl

14th Level Human Paladin

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 14th Level Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 137
STR:18 DEX:12 CON:16 INT:10 WIS:13 CHA:20   Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 225 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Richfest 1, 576 CY   Biography: Merrick is a natural born leader and battle-tested veteran of war. He is the son of a great Knight of Furyondy and brother to Fhordon and Garruth of Chendl, also knights of the same order. The blood of the warrior runs deep in his family, and so too the strict adherence to the Furyondian Code and the worship of Heironeous the Invincible. Merrickā€™s bold character and fierce charisma make him a deadly foe to the forces of evil, whom he has sworn a sacred oath to vanquish from Oerth. His rapid climb to renown began after the murder of his friend and mentor, Allanor the Wise, by the hands of mysterious cultists who were somehow connected to the legendary bastion of wickedness, the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Merrick never returned from a final excursion beneath the old Temple of Elemental Evil. It is possible he has been killed, but there are some who believe otherwise.

Year of Birth
576 31 Years old

Adventure History

598 CY
NeMoren's Vault
Dungeon of the Fire Opal
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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