
6th Level Human Sorcerer

Played by Bill Kelter

Race: Human (Touv)
Level/Class: 6th Level Sorcerer
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 25
STR:11 DEX:13 CON:15 INT:11 WIS:9 CHA:16   Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 195 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Brown
Birthdate: Needfest 4, 571 CY   Biography: The mysterious savage Mo’un is a bizarre individual to say the least. Feared and respected by his own people due to his rare and frightening attunement to magick; a series of incidents forced him to flee his homeland in Hepmonland and strike out into the civilized world. After wandering for a good deal of time, Mo’un came to realize that he was being followed by a nemesis of his from home, and he was forced to try and stay one step ahead of him at all times. After struggling to learn the difficult tongue of the Flanaess, he eventually found himself in the city of Greyhawk where he was introduced to a band of adventurers looking for a mage of some kind. Not exactly what they had counted on it turned out, but after their first successful mission went well, they decided that they ought to continue working together.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently residing in the City of Greyhawk

Year of Birth
571 36 Years old

Adventure History

598 CY
The Shattered Circle
When a Star Falls
The Tomb of Hissthak
Trail of the Desert Slavers


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