Naïlovandar "Nail" Exerstarten

3rd Level Elf Wizard

Played by Alfred Cloutier

Race: Elf (High)
Level/Class: 3rd Level Wizard (Divination Savant)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Hit Points: 20
STR:14 DEX:12 CON:12 INT:16 WIS:12 CHA:9   Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 145 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Azure Blue
Hair: Silver-white
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Needfest 4, 388 CY   Biography: Nail was born in the elven city of Enstad in the Kingdom of Celene. From an early age, he demonstrated a focused aptitude for magic and was recognized as a candidate for tutelage in the Mindon-o ar Wizardrui, the great tower of wizardry in the elven capital. Unlike most others of his kind, Nail's curiosity was ambitious and voracious, and he seemed driven by a desire to progress with a swiftness that is considered unusual for his people. Often, his family and friends would say that he must have some human blood in his veins, and this was reinforced by his interest in studying the great human mages of the Flanaess, like Mordenkainen, Tenser, and Bigby.   Many long years, Nail spent at study and practice, though always his mind would wander to thoughts of exploring far away lands in search of rare magic and potent spells. Most intriguing to the wizard was the fabled power of the mernë spell, or "wish" as human's called it. To Nail, this conjuration represented all of the things that he found most fascinating about wizardry, as it seemed to stretch the boundaries of reality and made the impossible possible.   One fateful day, Nail was so engrossed in studying in Mindon-o ar Wizardrui, that he didn’t realize that Queen Yolandë herself was visiting the library he was sitting in. The Queen noticed that Nail paid her no heed, so she asked him what he was studying so intently. After he took a moment to recover from the unexpected presence of the Queen (and that she addressed him directly!), he said, “The relationship between magic and power, my Queen.” She regarded him cooly, and then said, “Power is the ruler of magic, until it isn’t. Let me know if you ever find that point, young student.”   Something about this encounter with Queen Yolandë awoke action within the wizard, and Nail said farewell to his family and friends and set off into the lands beyond the borders of his elven homeland. For years he traveled abroad, always eastward, until at last he came to the far shores of the Solnor Ocean. There he beheld the beauty of those waters and was moved by the limitless expanse they conveyed. In time, he entered into the company of a band of adventurers that were brought on to explore the abandoned ruins of Quasqueton, a fortress of some kind that was once controlled by the great mage Zelligar and his cohort, Rogahn. The potential of learning more about Zelligar's power and the chance to acquire some of his forsaken magic was too great a temptation for Nail to ignore.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the hidden ruins of Quasqueton in northern Ratik.

Year of Birth
388 219 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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