Oranap "Ory" Nimbletoes

9th Level Halfling Rogue

Played by Michael Panaro

Race: Halfling (Hairfoot)
Level/Class: 9th Level Rogue
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 31
STR:14 DEX:13 CON:14 INT:19 WIS:13 CHA:14   Height: 3 feet
Weight: 60 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Richfest 6, 544 CY   Biography: Once a companion of Durin Angamaite and his associates, Oranap Nimbletoes embarked on a bold endeavor to set up a mining operation based at the tip of the Amedio Jungle. Investing all of the funds he had acquired as an adventurer and heading south by ship with his wife Rose, the daring hobbit spent many years establishing his operation. Discovering rich veins of platinum and silver early on, greatly assisted him in expanding his trade possibilities. It wasn’t long before he was offered a princeship of the nearby Hold of the Sea Princes, of which he accepted. When the Greyhawk Wars occured, Oranap’s business suffered major setbacks, as he refused to “cooperate” with the invading Scarlet Brotherhood. Ory has so far managed to weather the storm and maintains a low profile status as he maintains irregular trading shipments from his small keep on the tip of the jungle.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently running a low profile trading operation from his keep on the tip of the Amedio Jungle.

Year of Birth
544 63 Years old

Adventure History

590 CY
Keep on the Borderlands
Oasis of the White Palm
The Lost Tomb of Martek


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