Osborn Thorne

5th Level Halfling Rogue/Ranger

Played by Michael Burns

Race: Halfling (Hairfoot)
Level/Class: 4th Level Rogue / 1st Level Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hit Points: 25
STR:11 DEX:18 CON:12 INT:14 WIS:11 CHA:13   Height: 3 feet 8 inches
Weight: 110 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Wealsun 3, 573 CY   Biography: Wealth is perhaps Osborn Thorne’s truest passion. Since a young lad, he has been entranced by concept of value. Acquiring gems, jewels, coins, rare objects, magical items, and obscure pieces of art, have directed most of the decisions that Osborn has made over the course of his life. This is the primary reason why he embarked on a life of adventure, often putting himself at great risk in order to obtain an extraordinary valuable of some kind. He has also dabbled in the selling of forbidden narcotics and other “recreational” diversions in order to make some extra coin for his coffers. The companions with who he chooses to surround himself with are of the sort that remain indifferent to this type of lifestyle. In return, Osborn has offered up his fast reflexes, keen mind, and combat skills when faced with adversaries that they cannot swindle or cheat.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in the Domain of Greyhawk, somewhere east of the city.

Year of Birth
573 34 Years old

Adventure History

597 CY
The Search for Malleck Dern
The Blue Key
Eye for an Eye
The Demonclaw

598 CY
The Cradle of Madness


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