
6th Level Human Rogue

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 6th Level Rogue
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 42
STR:11 DEX:15 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:9 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Wealsun 6, 578 CY   Biography: Raised on the streets of Greyhawk, Owen feels most at home in the twisting, winding streets of the Old City. He is a talented burgler and pickpocket, although if you were to ask him about his occupation he would tell you that he is a Professional Adventurer. Known for seeing all the angles, Owen has become a valuable member of an adventuring group that began its career in Greyhawk City but has journeyed far south of that place now. Owen has developed a competitive game with another Professional Adventurer in his group, Eidolon, and the two often try to outdo one another. Owen's tastes sometimes veer into the dark side, which can sometimes leave him at odds with the more virtuous members of his traveling companions.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently residing in the City of Greyhawk


Adventure History

598 CY
The Shattered Circle
When a Star Falls
The Tomb of Hissthak
Trail of the Desert Slavers


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