
9th Level Human Warlock

Played by Keith Lawson

Race: Half-Elf (Oeridian/Wood)
Level/Class: 9th Level Warlock (The Great Old One)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 63
STR:10 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:18   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Coldeven 6, 583 CY   Biography: Rannath grew up among the filth and squalor of the dying village of Nulb, abandoned by parents he never knew, scavenging whatever he could from that wretched, muddy, ramshackle thorp. His survival over the first decade of his life was largely owed to a cruel prostitute named Marla who plied her trade in the Waterside Hostel. After the fall of the Temple of Elemental Evil in 578 CY, the village of Nulb continued its descent into obsolescence, ultimately becoming little more than a ghost town. Eventually, Rannath came under the care of a kindly bargeman who made a meager life as a fisherman and a trapper along the Imeryd's Run. The strange fellow never spoke, and only communicated in gestures, though it was clear he possessed some sort of druid-magic that he sometimes called upon to defend himself and his vessel against pirates and desperate men. Rannath knew him only as the Mud Man, but the pair made a bare living plying their trade along the shallow river. For six years Rannath lived thusly, and enjoyed the only period of his life up to that point that wasn't a state of perpetual desperation.   Unfortunately, in the spring of 598 CY, the Mud Man's barge was infiltrated by a gang of pirate brigands in the night and the poor old fellow was slain. Rannath himself was taken prisoner and dragged along with the villains who were chasing the trail of a party of adventurers who had reputedly slain a blue dragon in the vicinity of the Old Moathouse, east of the village of Hommlet. The brigands tied Rannath to and old tree in the swamp and descended into the dungeons below the Moathouse in search of whatever scraps the adventurers that preceded them might have left behind, but they never returned. Rannath would have died of thirst and starvation were it not for a chance rescue by a swamp wanderer named Ol' Del. Blinded by his rage towards his captors, Rannath opted to pursue them into the dungeons, despite the desperate pleadings of Ol' Del. Down into the dark, Rannath carefully found his way, looking for signs of his enemy's passage. Ultimately, he found them at the bottom of a black chasm, their bodies strewn and broken about a massive obelisk. Of what happened in that dark place, even Rannath himself is not certain. His discovery would forever change him. A communion was made with some entity from beyond. A concord between the half-elven boy and a life form as old as the multiverse.   In the aftermath of this traumatic encounter, Rannath discovered that he possessed unusual and terrifying powers. When desired, the boy could call upon a darkness to aid him and defend him, though always at a price. The entity seemed to linger and speak within his mind, guiding his purpose and leading him westward towards the vicinity of Hommlet. It was there that he encountered a band of heroes that was gathering to strike against the renewed activity of cultists that had taken up the banner of Elemental Evil once more. The voice within Rannath's mind seemed thrilled at the prospect of striking against these foes. While this unsettled the young warlock, he felt that in placating this dark voice he might also be simultaneously aiding the people of the old town. He resolved to follow the urgings of the cloaked entity in his mind, but to also do as much as he could to help those in need. To put an end to the corruption of this region once and for all, and to bring vengeance upon all those who would bring harm to the meek and the unfortunate.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in conflict with the Cult of Elemental Evil and the Princes of the Apocalypse in the regions surrounding the town of Hommlet.

Year of Birth
583 24 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Princes of the Apocalypse


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