Rhünlanorn "Rhüne" O'Brennon

9th Level Gnome Fighter

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Gnome (Rock)
Level/Class: 9th Level Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 91
STR:18 DEX:12 CON:16 INT:12 WIS:10 CHA:12   Height: 3 feet 4 inches
Weight: 68 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Ruddy Tan
Birthdate: Brewfest 1, 526 CY   Biography: The missing son of Laddonorn O’Brennon; Rhüne is a wiry, tough-skinned little rock gnome of exceptionally resilient body and mind. This is well, considering the forces that move against him in a scheme larger than might be imagined. Pursued by enemies of his father, who is still not aware that his son is alive, Rhüne takes it all in stride and so far has stood up to all those who have sought to capture him. Proving that he has much of his father’s nature in him, the gnome is still good-spirited and jovial despite a lifetime of hardship. Having spent a good deal of his life as the prisoner of various goblin tribes in the Pomarj, Rhüne bears little in the way of mental scarring from the mistreatment he was delivered during that period, except that he cannot resist the temptation to attack any goblin that crosses his path. He now adventures with a group of heroes who have sworn to help protect him from the overwhelming evil that pursues him at every turn.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the Lost Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad.

Year of Birth
526 81 Years old

Adventure History

593 CY
Against the Cult of the Reptile God

594 CY
The Lost Island of Castanimiir

595 CY
The Forbidden City
Evil Tide
Night of the Shark
Sea of Blood

596 CY
Asflag's Tower

597 CY
The Star Cairns

598 CY
The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad


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