Sarith "Death's Bane" Glimmithril

21st Level Human Cleric

Played by Jonathan Lee

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 21st Level Cleric (War Domain)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 127
STR:16 DEX:12 CON:13 INT:15 WIS:23 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Azure
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Wealsun 5, 560 CY   Biography: The heroic career of Sarith Deathsbane is well known across the Flanaess. Beginning his career as a priest of Heironeous, Sarith grew in power and prestige to one of the most notable religious icons of the Invincible God’s church. After acting for many years as the religious leader of the Vesve Citadel’s temple of Heironeous, Sarith once again embarked on his adventuring career, this time following a more martial path. He joined on with a group of heroes who were already involved in the exploration of the dungeons beneath old Castle Greyhawk. Now, many years after the grizzled warrior-priest began his long road to glory, he possesses an awesome range of powers and abilities as well as a collection of magical items that rivals the might of any such trove on Oerth. Perhaps most notably, Daoud's Wondrous Lanthorn.   Sarith's wife, Willow, is a powerful siren whom he rescued from imprisonment in the Tomb of Horrors. Together they had a single child, Kell, who has grown to demonstrate the extreme characteristics of both her mother and her father.   In recent years, Sarith has become embroiled in politics, and is known to have been privately meeting with various kings of the Flanaess. The powerful priest is revered throughout many nations and feared in others, but his foresight and wisdom are respected in all. Of late, Sarith has studied on the movements of powerful entities that seem to be setting worrisome plans in motion, and dark tidings from the supreme cleric of Heironeous are never taken lightly.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Sarith has been traveling among the Flanaess meeting with powerful leaders, religious patriarchs, and kings.

Year of Birth
560 47 Years old

Adventure History

580 CY
The Lost City

581 CY
White Plume Mountain
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun

582 CY
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure

583 CY
The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror
Tomb of Horrors

592-593 CY
Greyhawk Ruins

597 CY
Return of the Eight

598 CY
Isle of the Ape


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