Theoren Durendal

9th Level Halfling Cleric

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Halfling (Hairfoot)
Level/Class: 9th Level Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 41
STR:10 DEX:11 CON:10 INT:10 WIS:18 CHA:16   Height: 2 feet 10 inches
Weight: 62 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy Brown
Complexion: Ruddy Tan
Birthdate: Ready'reat 2, 566 CY   Biography: Where some men are heroes because of their physical strength, magical power, or great agility; Theoren Durnedal is a hero because of his strength of character. His good nature and ever-ready hand of friendship makes him the much loved companion that he is. Always honest and optimistic, the little hobbit is a joy to be around – his very presence uplifting and supportive. But think not that the small fellow is incapable of action! Behind his soft exterior is an iron resolve and the power to mold and shape his natural surroundings into a formidable defense. He is also no dunce with the bow and has saved all of his companions from more than one tough scrape. Theoren is a great lover of flowers and other growing things, often adorning his clothing and possessions with such accoutrements.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the Lost Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad.

Year of Birth
566 41 Years old

Adventure History

593 CY
Against the Cult of the Reptile God

594 CY
The Lost Island of Castanimiir

595 CY
The Forbidden City
Evil Tide
Night of the Shark
Sea of Blood

596 CY
Asflag's Tower

597 CY
The Star Cairns

598 CY
The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad


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