Tift Greenbarrow

21st Level Halfling Bard/Rogue

Played by Chris Kelter

Race: Halfling (Lightfoot)
Level/Class: 10th Level Bard (College of Valor) / 10th Level Rogue (Thief)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 151
STR:12 DEX:21 CON:14 INT:16 WIS:11 CHA:16   Height: 3 feet
Weight: 34 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Needfest 6, 567 CY   Biography: Tift was born and raised in the halfling village of Elmshire along the southern shores of the Nyr Dyv. From a very young age he displayed an exceptional aptitude for two things: music and curiosity. His talents became fairly renown early in his life, as his vocal range was exceptional, especially by halfling standards. Recognizing this, his family pooled their resources and saw to his training in the bard colleges of Greyhawk City. This lifestyle of small town life mixed with frequent trips to the largest and most cosmopolitan metropolis in the Flanaess forged Tift into an unusual individual with a broad set of skills that stretched well beyond what was intended.   In time, Tift's curious nature also led to his developing a skill set in the "silent arts" of burglary and treasure hunting. As a charismatic and rambunctious student in Greyhawk, the halfling found ample opportunity to ply these trades often, at least as frequent (and many times more profitable) than his musical talents offered. After finishing his tutelage as a bard, Tift heard rumors that opportunities for treasure hunters were on the rise in the Cairn Hills. Word of an interesting location called "The Whispering Cairn," located near to the dirty mining town of Diamond Lake, seemed like a great place to begin a new phase of his professional career.   In that backwater town Tift helped to put together a party of likeminded adventurers that shared his interest in exploration and discovery (more or less) and they set about the task of navigating the old cairn, unknowing that this would end up being the first step in an epic journey that would propel them down roads unguessed.   Ultimately, Tift was instrumental in the quest that would follow; a quest that would culminate in a terrible battle with one of the most feared dragons on Oerth and set the adventurers against the machinations of the dreadful worm-god, Kyuss. Together, these heroes would thwart the coming of the Age of Worms, and prevent the arising of an ancient evil that sought to cast the world into an era of darkness and despair.   In the aftermath of this, Tift has recently married a halfling sweetheart from Greyhawk named, Melody. Together they settled down in the city of Alhaster where the two opened an inn. Tift spends most of his time there of late, though his insatiable curiosity and adventure-lust often sees him disappear for weeks on end. It is said that the halfling, along with one or two of his old comrades, has developed an obsession with the mysterious Rift Canyon to the north and the dragons that dwell there. Reports state that he is sometimes seen roaming that region.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Tift owns an inn in the city of Alhaster, where he lives with his wife, Melody. Rumors persist that he also has been spending more and more time seeking dragons in the region of Rift Canyon.

Year of Birth
567 40 Years old

Adventure History

599 CY
The Whispering Cairn
The Three Faces of Evil
Encounter at Blackwall Keep
The Hall of Harsh Reflections
The Champion's Belt
A Gathering of Winds
The Spire of Long Shadows

600 CY
The Prince of Redhand
The Library of Last Resort
Kings of the Rift
Into the Wormcrawl Fissure
Dawn of a New Age


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