Urmlinn Rumnaheim

14th Level Dwarf Fighter/Wizard

Played by Chris Kelter

Race: Dwarf (Mountain)
Level/Class: 9th Level Fighter / 5th Level Wizard
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 68
STR:14 DEX:15 CON:20 INT:16 WIS:14 CHA:11   Height: 4 feet 3 inches
Weight: 134 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale
Birthdate: Fireseek 24, 542 CY   Biography: Urmlinn Rumnaheim was born in the deep mines of the Lortmil Mountains, and has carried with him a love of the forge for his entire life. His desire to craft items from steel and imbue them with magic from his own hands has been a personal goal of his for as far back as he can remember. A good deal of his recent life has been spent in battle with the forces of evil, and as such, he has been unable to dedicate as much of his time to his skills as he would like. His mentorship to Allanor the Wise came to an abrupt end when his master was slain by agents of the old Temple of Elemental Evil. Urmlinn and a band of other heroes, also in service to Allanor, were thrust into a mission to seek out those who killed their benefactor. On this quest, they found themselves up against foes more dangerous than they ever imagined. Before long, Urmlinn was embroiled in a personal war against the servants of He Who Must Never Awaken, and was one of the seven heroes who laid low the might of the Temple of All-Consumption and thwarted the plans of the Doomdreamers.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Urmlinn never returned from a final excursion beneath the old Temple of Elemental Evil. It is possible he has been killed, but there are some who believe otherwise.

Year of Birth
542 65 Years old

Adventure History

598 CY
NeMoren's Vault
Dungeon of the Fire Opal
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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