Viscounty of Nume Eor, Keoland

Governed by Viscount John Brunis, Fifth Count of Eor

  This region, located southwest of the Dreadwood between the river Javan and the Hool Marshes, has changed hands frequently over the last three centuries, being at times part of the Kingdom of Keoland and at times part of the Yeomanry. It served primarily as hinterlands to both nations, until a treaty in 461 CY established the Yeoman border officially at the eastern banks of the Javan. Responsibility for the territory has fallen to the Keoish ever since, who largely ignored the region for the last century and have only recently eyed it with renewed interest.   Once a far-flung dependency of the kingdom known as the County of Eor, it was generally disregarded, as was the province of Salinmoor in the east. This was due to the isolation of these lands south of the Dreadwood following losses further south by House Rhola in the last century to the nascent Sea Princes. A new line of Neheli kings in Niole Dra chose a more isolationist course, and this introversion left these provinces virtually independent. The county eventually fell to raiders from the Hool Marshes, when incursions by the teeming lizardmen of the swamp finally harried the leaders of the small populace into submission. The province stood unfortified and lawless for years afterward, being trampled by brigands and yeoman alike.   The aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars finally turned the attention of the Throne of the Lion back to the south. In Patchwall of 587 CY, King Skotti reclaimed these lands formally by force of arms and granted the province to a cousin in the House of Lizhal. The new viscount, John Brunis, fifth Count Eor, has the royal backing needed to reestablish the realm as a full member of the Court of the Land. This includes a contingent of men-at-arms finally strong enough to repel most of the denizens of the marshes. Regular trade has been reestablished with the Yeomanry from the newly sired town of Kimberton (pop. 980) on the Javan, and relations are greatly improved. However, incursions across the river from the Little Hills and into the Dreadwood remain common, as the bulk of the new settlement is going on in the southwest and the local Yeoman in the north are reluctant to give up the practice. Viscount John Brunis has announced a small bounty on every lizardman skull redeemed in Vendare, and the grisly proclamation has attracted a number of bounty hunters and freeswords to the region.   In 606 CY, a band of heroes from the Barony of Goldenridge answered the call from the Count as the increase in banditry began to threaten all trade passing through the region, particularly along the trails leading east towards Salinmoor. It was soon discovered that the banditry was being directed from the old forts along the southern border, within the fringes of the Hool Marshes, wherein an old evil was rising from the past. Sakatha, the dreaded Lizard King who had sworn vengeance upon the House of Eor and the lands abroad for their past transgressions, was building an army of bandits and lizardfolk with intentions to reclaim the lands north of the swamp and lay low the Count and all of his kinsmen. These heroes, led by Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV, delivered an ultimate and final defeat to Sakatha and his minions, paving the way for trade to resume unhindered and to put an end to the vampiric Lizard King once and for all.
Capital: Vendare   Other Towns: Arth, Jaedrae (Kimberton), Haven, Lavienth   Areas of Interest: Ardo River, Hydra Hill, Owl Stream, Robin's Brest Inn, Serister's Tower   Adventures: Tomb of the Lizard King
  Location in the Flanaess


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