Elven Pantheon

The Seldarine is the pantheon of the Elves, based primarily in the plane of Arborea. Tel'Seldarine, as their pantheon is known in Elvish, roughly translates as "the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood." The Seldarine are led by the greater deity Corellon Larethian, god of magic, arts, and warfare. According to their myth, the Elves were born from the blood of Corellon Larethain and in some versions of this story this blood was spilled when Corellon banished Lolth from the sunlit realms after she betrayed him.   Elven deities and theology always stress tolerance for other friendly and good creatures, especially those who share the forests and woodlands of the elves. While the themes of nature and magic dominate this pantheon, the Seldarine also concern themselves with beauty, arts, comedy, chaos, and mischief. Few if any of the elven deities represent law, strife, darkness, or any love of war.  

Greater Powers

Corellon Larethian

Corellon Larethian represents the highest ideals of elvenkind: “he” is skilled in all the arts and crafts, and is the patron of music, poetry, and magic. Corellon is alternately male or female, both or neither. The god is also mighty in battle and is said to have personally banished demons such as Lolth from the sunlit surface world. Elven lore states that the race of elves sprang from the drops of blood Corellon shed in this epic battle.  

Intermediate Powers

Aerdrie Faenya

Goddess of air and weather, Aerdrie appears to be a tall elf-like woman with feathered hair and eyebrows; from her back spring a pair of large, bird-like wings. Her feathers are of constantly changing color. The lower half of her body from the hips down vanishes into a misty whirlwind, so that she appears to never touch the ground. Aerdrie wanders the winds of the planes of Olympus and Gladsheim, in the company of a large number of winged creatures of many types.  

Erevan Ilesere

While his following is not as large as those of the other elven deities, Erevan still commands his share of attention from the elves, particularly those engaged in thieving. Erevan is a fickle, utterly unpredictable deity who can change his appearance at will. He enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but his pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. His favorite tactic is to change his height to any size between one inch and six feet. Regardless of how he appears at any given time, Erevan will always wear green somewhere upon his person.  

Hanali Celanil

Hanali Celanil influences the spheres of love and beauty and is widely revered by many of the elves. Hanali is predominantly depicted as feminine, though on rare occasions it is said she has appeared as a male.  

Sehanine the Moonbow

Sehanine Moonbow is the elven goddess of the moons and is one of the more powerful members of the Seldarine. The Lady of Dreams actively opposes the nefarious schemes of the Spider Queen and the other drow powers. She is often said to be the wife of Corellon Larethian. Her symbol is a full moon topped by a crescent-shaped haze.  

Solonor Thelandira

Clad in a great cloak of living leaves, Solonor, god of the hunt, strides through the forests in search of game and to seek out and destroy evil. His only weapon is a longbow that has a range as far as the horizon.  

Lesser Powers



Elven Pantheon.jpg
The elven gods: the Seldarine.