Halfling Species in World of Greyhawk | World Anvil


So called because they stand half as tall as most humans, halflings ("hobniz") are a cheerful race that make homes in burrows similar to the gnomes, usually choosing to settle in grasslands, forests, or hills. Light hair covers most of their bodies, especially the backs of their hands and the tops of their feet. Halflings usually travel barefoot, their thick-soled feet protecting them from the pain others would feel stepping on briars and sharp stones.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Today, halflings are found in much of the Flanaess, but they still favor the central and western regions from the Urnst states to the three Uleks.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Halflings prefer to wear knee-britches and tunics or shirts, often with vests. Males wear coats and high collared shirts on formal occasions, while females dress in a bodice-covered shift and long skirts. Shirts and britches are often striped in alternating bright and dark colors. They dress themselves in gnome style when hunting or at war, wearing clothing of mottled greens and browns.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Halflings are clever and capable, whether they are hard-working farmers or tricky rogues. Most halflings are curious and daring, getting themselves into trouble as often as they get themselves out of it. They have great appetites for food, drink, and collecting things. They love fun, get along well with almost anyone who will at least tolerate them, and enjoy travel and opportunities for excitement.    Most halfling spells are defensive and protective in nature, though the best-known halfling magic is culinary. Many halfling foods are made to retain their freshness for lengthy periods, and they use herbs with healing and other medicinal properties.


Halflings originally occupied small settlements in the river valleys of the west-central Flanaess. They spread slowly into other territories, so that by the time of the Suel and Oeridian migrations, few were north of the Gamboge Forest or east of the Harp River. They are common in much of the Sheldomar Valley, interacting freely with humans, dwarves, elves, and gnomes. Historically, they prefer to dwell in stable nations ruled by stronger folk.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Halflings typically identify strongly with the good nations of the Flanaess. They are not numerous, and have no lands of their own. It is not surprising that they look to the larger folk (and other demihumans) for protection and alliances.

Halfling Subraces

Comprised of three subraces, halflings have no home of their own, instead living among other races in harmony wherever they can.  

Lightfoot Halflings

Lightfoot halflings are the most numerous of the halflings, and many live among humans.  

Stout Halflings

Stout halflings are about six inches smaller than lightfoot halflings and live among dwarves.  

Tallfellow Halflings

The tallest variety of halfling, tallfellow halflings stand about six inches taller than their lightfoot kin and live among elves.
A halfling enjoying the fruits of his labor.

150 Years
Average Height
2′8″ to 3′4″
Average Weight
30 to 35 lbs.