Wild Coast Geographic Location in World of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Wild Coast

The western shores of the Sea of Gearnat have long been called the Wild Coast, for the region has been a haven for malcontents, dissidents, demi-humans, humanoids, and the outcasts from other states. More of a collection of independent cities than a political entity, it is an area with five major towns: Safeton, Narwell, Fax, Badwall, and Elredd. It is a fair but not particularly fertile area, rolling countryside interspersed with woodlands, fens, and scattered clusters of dwellings. Parts of the Gnarley Forest, all the Welkwood east of the Jewel River, and the Suss Forest are considered as being in this region.


The Wild Coast remains a free territory comprised of petty nobles, robber barons, guildheld towns, fishing and forest villages, freelooters, mercenaries, and displaced persons of all sorts. This is due to the remote and isolated position it holds, its lack of resources, and the fact that it has never been a desirable position strategically. Portions of the area have been under control of Celene, the Prince of Ulek. the Gynarch of Hardby, and the Free City of Greyhawk at various times. The inhabitants, being of a mind otherwise, have always managed to regain their freedom.   There is no question that the Wild Coast is known throughout the Flanaess as a place of sanctuary, albeit a highly dangerous one, filled with adventure at the very least. Its racially mixed peoples are well known as mercenaries and adventurers themselves. The area gives rise to many outstanding clerics, fighters, magic-users, and thieves. Legendary figures of the Wild Coast include Mordenkainen, Robilar, and Tenser, to name but a few.


Tales relate that somewhere within the Suss forest exists a lost city of the Old Suloise - from which the Jewel River gained its name. It has never been found, and the legend is highly doubtful. Since the Pomarj has been in the control of rapacious humanoids, the southern portions of the Wild Coast have been less than wholesome in any event, and expeditions into the Suss Forest have not been attempted as of late.
The Wild Coast, a collection of cities south of Greyhawk.

Coast / Shore