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Maha of the Shoe

Maha of the Shoe

Male (They/Them)  ||  Tabaxi  ||  Sorcerer  ||  Played by: Leo / FructoseCrnSyrup
Maha is a curious creature, raised in Underdark in a peculiar place called The Shoe. Brought up by the sentient Modron known as Sentient Modron known as Papa17, Maha left the dark world of the Labyrinth when their clockwork friend went into a slumber forever. Maha desires to fix their friend and wanders the world as an eccentric sorcerer.
Fun Facts:
  • Maha does not smoke
  • Maha loves getting festive, seasonal drinks
  • Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Maha is an odd black Tabaxi that always dons an oversized, slightly misshapen hat, and a poofy, oversized cloak. They have two lamp-like eyes that express all of the Tabaxi’s emotion, which usually ranges from wide-and-curious, wide-and-afraid, wide-and-confused-by-affection, etc. Their whiskers are crooked on whichever side they slept on that day, and they have a tendency to spook people who don’t realize how quiet and in-their-space Maha is (until they notice two looming eyes staring up at them). Maha’s nose and mouth are also black, giving the ominous appearance of two floating eyeballs beneath a pointy sorcerer’s cap. What a weirdo.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Maha in the Underdark

    Maha, to this day, does not have many kitten memories before they tumbled into the Underdark. They remember the faces of many brothers and sisters in his litter, and believes their family traveled often. Due to their distracted nature, it is likely little Maha merely wandered away from their family caravan and tripped into a hole. But. Maha doesn’t really remember.   Somehow— A babe Maha found themselves in the Underdark, their little puffball self falling into the dark chasm of what was known as the Labyrinth’s “Shoe.” Here, Maha survived on what can be described as complete dumb-luck. Maha dwelled there for countless months and was lost with no way out.   Within the furthest confines of the earth, the kitten Maha stumbled across a decrepit mechanical being known as a Monodrone. The only thing it ever said to them was its name: a few mechanical chirps of “Papa17.” This Papa17 took pity on the young Tabaxi, and did it’s best to help young Maha survive in the treacherous Underdark. Merely by their presence, the Monodrone embued Maha with Clockwork abilities.   Papa17, unknown to a Maha at the time, was a forgotten Monodrone; one left behind in the Great Drone March 150 years prior. Papa17, lost miles beneath the Underdark, was unable to receive a signal from their Mechanus God, and could never return home. Too deteriorated to help itself, it eventually fell into a kind of sleep-mode at the most inopportune tangents. Maha repaired it as best they could over the years, but eventually, Papa17 went to sleep forever. Maha’s only friend was gone. :(  

    Out of the Shoe, Odd Jobs, and Clockwork Masters

    Maha, in their adolescence, eventually found a way out of the Shoe, and became a wanderer. The young sorcerer gravitated toward pursuits that made use of their abilities. Maha took any job from procuring lost objects in dangerous crypts, to janitor work in dusty libraries, to slavish assistant jobs for alchemists and mechanics. Over the years, Maha’s curious nature and quick wit made Maha many friends and employers on both sides of the law   In time, Maha befriended a Clockwork Alchemist and his apprentices. They became like a family to the young Maha and were eager to show Maha all of their creations and knowledge about the Great Wheel, the faith of Primus and God of the clockwork Plane known as Mechanus. For the first time, Maha was given access to their own tools and workshop and the freedom to build their own doodads and inventions. This surrogate family taught the valuable history about the Drone race of Papa17, and the Rogue March that ultimately led to Maha’s mechanical friend’s decay. Maha swore to return to Papa17 and fix him. However, they did not return to the Shoe until the Clockwork Master and workshops’ ultimate demise.   This tragedy is forever unspoken by Maha, and the pain of it is lodged miles beneath the Tabaxi’s calm and light-hearted demeanor. The stories are still told of a great Clockwork Master and all of the apprentices that were assassinated by seemingly honest Patron. Maha never voices their guilt and involvement in this catastrophe, but it is clear that the Tabaxi Clockwork Sorcerer does not believe that this world is systematic or fair as the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus. Their faith in logic became forever shaken.  


    To this day, Maha returns to the Shoe every Midsummer to attempt to repair Papa17. Their effort is to no avail.

    Gender Identity

    Unknown. Maha does not identify as any gender, only as "Maha." Typically referred to as they/them and occasionally he/she.


    Asexual. Sexuality doesn't occur to them.


    • Teachings of magic from the monodron Papa17
    • Apprenticed under a Clockwork Master's mechanic shoppe
    • Is bilingual in Undercommon from their interactions with the Drow in the Underdark


    • Odd jobs above and below the law
    • Worked under a Clockwork Master in her shop.
    • Hires by Woem III to return the employed Number 2
    • Has tried to sell his friend, the druid Rori, as a war horse

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • With their party, Maha helped free the souls of Elyce and Margaret Morthaus from the imprisonment of the Lich's emerald.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Maha, in general, is greatly underestimated by employers. With no family or formal education, and being generally off-putting and quiet, Maha is often taken as a dim-wit of little consequence. Many a crime lord do not hold their tongue from them, never considering the listening Tabaxi looming in the background. Secret organizations do not concern themselves when they hired a “stunted, unintelligent servant” to clean their private libraries or hold their wrench while their engineer fix a secretive mechanism.   Maha never does correct anyone when they assumed them to be harmless, and in turn, learned a great many things in their travels.   High wisdom, average intelligence.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Maha equates the world to a kind of "broken clock," due to his upbringing by Papa17 the monodron. They do not fully embrace the Mechanus mentally of complete logic and order, as living in the average Material Plane that is quite broken itself.   However, Maha enjoys things that work such as people that can have a set of rules and axioms that they adhere to (even if they are a Lawful Evil devil) and finds people that have no sense of right or wrong at all, only selfishness, as a "broken piece" of the clock. Some things just can't be understood or fixed, and Maha is not above 'correcting an error.'   Papa17, being a creation of the God of Mechanus, has embued Maha with a Clockwork Soul. Thus, Maha is unable to ever sever their connection with the God if they tried. All of their sorcerer capabilities and magical prowess is a progeny of Primus.

    Personality Characteristics


    • "Fix" the murderous killer Number 1
    • Wake PaPa17 up
    • Collect all the masks
    • Free the tabaxi Number 2 from the Prime Number
    • Run away from guilt of the Clockwork Master's murder
    • Maha wants friends

    Virtues & Personality perks

    From D&D 5e Character Backgrounds

    Personality Traits

    The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable—or where such things could be hidden.  


    Freedom Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)   Bonds I’m guilty of a terrible crime. I don't think I can redeem myself for it.   Flaws I turn tail and run when things look bad.  


    Criminal / Spy Feature: Criminal Contact   You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.

    Strange Clockwork Soul Sorcerer, Tabaxi, and collector of curious things.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral, flirts with Lawful
    First memories are within the Underdark, in the depths of the Labyrinth's Shoe
    Parents (Adopting)
    Lamp-like amber
    Void black and particularly fuzzy
    Very short for Tabaxi. 5'7"
    80 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Maha is Maha."
    "Uhh. Maha is okay." — when asked by a sentient evil sword if Maha would like to be its master
    "Reficul is champion!!!"
    "Has Rori ever seen birds.. not fly?" —Maha's first time on drugs, after seeing literally time stop
    Known Languages
    Poorly articulated Common; Undercommon

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