Thunder-Horn Whale Species in World of Light and Darkness | World Anvil
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Thunder-Horn Whale


  Thunder-Horn Whales, sometimes Conductor Whales or Eldic-Horn Whales, are a species of higher beast native to the northern waters that surround Lyardia, Baru, and the Northern Frozen Aurora. They are Hydro-Eldic-Cryic, and relatively skillful users of primal magic.

Basic Information


The Thunder-Horn has a typical whale-beast build: a long body, four frontal flippers, a strong tail, a blunt face, a very small, bony fin near the center back, and flexible armor plating down the spine. Their horn is a great, single spiraling thing that resembles those on Ocean-born dragons, though it is far less crooked. Their skin is a mottled gray with white dappling on the back. They are omnivores, eating mainly sea plants and medium fish, and live in pods of up to fifteen individuals, including young.
Thunder-Horns have extreme sexual dimorphism; males are far larger than females, and grow longer horns. The average male is around the size of a medium navy-ship, while females grow to be around the size of a small navy-ship. The other notable feature females have is a longer and harder tail-plate that extends around five lengths past the last tailbone. It has been speculated that this tail-plate is used to defend their young.

Genetics and Reproduction

Thunder-Horns can rear young at around three years of age, and a pregnancy lasts around nine months. Twins are uncommon, but not rare, and the mother raises the young for their first nine months of life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thunder-Horns usually utilize their magic while hunting and in defensive situations. Like most whales, they use Sonar to locate prey, usually large schools of Armorfish or Prismscales. They then surface, raising their horns and absorbing static Eldic magic from the air, which is stored in the horn. They then form a crescent-moon formation, hemming in the fish, and then the individual in the center releases their stored energy in a shockwave of paralyzing magic. The crescent-formation then breaks in two, repeating until a suitable amount of fish have been paralyzed and eaten, or the Thunder-Horns have grown tired.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Aurit elementals of the northern regions of Lyardia have long hunted Thunder-Horns, alongside many other whale-beasts, like Deepshadow Whales and Samuel’s Dolphins. They were usually hunted for their prize horns, which, when carved into spearheads or arrowheads, naturally absorb Eldic, releasing the magic when they hit flesh, paralyzing the target. In addition, the blubber of Thunder-Horns is high in Alloy due to their diet of Alloy-rich fish, making it a very effective potion ingredient and extremely revitalizing food.
30-40 years
Conservation Status
Like all whale beasts, the hunting of Thunder-Horns is regulated in the Kingdom of Polaris as to preserve the species. Only authorized companies and registered ships may apply for whaling licenses that allow them to hunt no more than thirty individuals in a year.

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