
Humans are the most diverse of the races. Their strength and power derives from their adaptability to different environments, cultures and societies. Where the other races are tied to the world around them in one manner or another, humans alone have no innate affinity for the world, beyond that of a master craftsman to their tools and creations. Their ability to adapt allows humans to maintain close contact, and even intermingle with demi-humans and humanoids, if they deem it necessary, expedient, or desirable. Diversity is a hallmark of this race and humans can be any class. Description: Humans range greatly in height and weight, and in other physical features such as skin and hair color. Males typically stand between 5 feet 6 inches and 6 feet 2 inches, with females being slightly shorter, although both sexes occasionally exceed the average height. Humans tend to adapt physically to their environments, leaving some with pale skin coloration in cold climates and others with darker skin coloration in warmer climates. Since humans are exceedingly migratory, however, these generalizations do not always apply. Human weight also varies extraordinarily and is as much dependent on diet as culture. Personality: As with their physical traits, humans range greatly in temperament. They seem to the longer-lived races to move through life with a speed born of desperation. Their short lives give them a burning desire to create and control the world around them and their own mortality. This causes humans to see the world in a unique fashion. All things are tools to humans in their quest for immortality. Humans lack empathy for the other races, especially elves. Their short lifespans create an awareness of the importance of things few others understand. Life is precious, and the wealth of it must not be wasted on frivolous things. In the passage of history, death marks one’s life and can give it meaning and only through a life well spent can one gain immortality. Oft times the world’s greatest heroes are humans, who consider themselves to be in conflict rather than harmony with the world, and willingly lay their lives low in that eternal struggle. Humans are born with an innate spirit of competition that configures itself into a race for grand achievements, and a constant striving to rise above their circumstances. Whether to the benefit or detriment of those around them, many humans act only with regard to their own needs and from a sense of superiority over all other races and beasts. Racial Affinities: Humans interact well with most other races. They have no innate prejudices, but are often taught at a young age who is an enemy and who is a friend. A human’s enemies and friends are determined more by expediency and mutual benefit rather than any innate prejudice. Environment: Humans can be found in any environment or climate, though they usually prefer to live above ground. RACIAL TRAITS AND ABILITIES Primary Attributes: Because of the unique nature of humankind, humans choose an additional primary attribute, for a total of three. Language: Common Size: Medium Movement: 30 Feet Typical Classes: Any Attribute Modifiers: None Ability Modifiers: None


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