The warlike cultural has existed since the days of the first men, scholars and anthropologists still debate whether Vestans are actual humans or a completely separate subspecies. They seem to be nearly immune to cold temperatures, like the sub zero climate of the frozen mountainous region of Vesta. They are brutal warriors that send raiding ships across Solean city ports, sometimes pushing a few miles inland for more slaughter. They rely on slave labor to build their cities, ships and weapons. Although they are seen more often around Solean shores, although they have been seen as far as the Crista Isles, raiding Meirval, Vedania and other tribal islands in the chain.
Major language groups and dialects
Shared customary codes and values
Strength is paramount.
Common Etiquette rules
Common Dress code
Thick furs, scale mail armor
Art & Architecture
Longhouses, art unknown
Birth & Baptismal Rites
Funerary and Memorial customs
Sea burial.
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