Life, Birth
Gnomes, Half-Elves, Orcs and Halflings emerge.
The world was still healing from the first War of the Verum, but with the help of the First Men the land was made safe. The Men hunted the scattered Krull armies, which were left feral after the capture of Sereptra. Men made great friends with the Elves, and so Half-Elves emerged. The Gnomes seemed to appear over night from the mountains, scientists speculate a genetic mutation occurred in the Dwarves when Bregas burst of magic happened. The Halflings, with their love of things that grow, are speculated to be a genetic mutation from the Elves. The Orcs rose from the tormented Elves of the First War, unable to cope with the horrors of battle, they fled into the caves. There they hid for many years, driven mad and warped by the magic unleashed by Brega, they reemerged from the darkness as Orcs. A new enemy. The Dwarves took particular to hating the Orc.