BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


John Unknown (a.k.a. Bal'kirk or Bal for short)

Bal'karik is not originally form Oerth but from a prime material world known as Earth.   He found his way to the Flannese through a random portal he stumbled through on his way home from school.   The confused youngster found himself in the bustling streets of the City of Greyhawk, confused and alone.  He quickly discovered that the currency of his own world was useless in his current one. This forced him to beg upon the streets of the River Quarter in the grand city.  An action that would invoke the ire of the beggars guild.  It was during one of these interactions which Bal'kirik would meet his first ally in this strange new world; Alzoran the Expiditer.   Whereas many in this strange new world would see John/Bal'kirik as a freak and oddity with his strange clothes, mannerisms and outlook; the thieves guild member Alzoran saw opportunity.   Just as the stranger in a strange was going to recivieve a beating from the beggars union, Alzoran proclaimed that young John was under his protection.  The agreement from the beggar wars (see Gord the Rogue novels) meant this was absolutely enforceable.

Mental characteristics


Formal education from his original world, which is the equivellent of university educated in Greyhawk.


Acts as constable for the City of Redhand.   Also acts as foreman for the rebuilding from the destruction of the "Age of Worms" in Alhaster.

Failures & Embarrassments

Shortly after his arrival to this world he became a slave and forced to work the mines of Diamond Lake.

Mental Trauma

The shock of being thrown into a world so different from his own, weighs on him.  He finds himself often at odds with what he considers barbaric practices.   After being enslaved his hatred for those who oppressed sometimes rises to the level of rage.

Intellectual Characteristics

Many of his plans are "outside the box" as they come from the perspective of someone from the modern world.

Morality & Philosophy

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic-Good
  • Doesn't respect authority unless it's earned
  • Find blind following to honor as a way to suppress the individual
  • a bit of a fatalist in that he dives into danger a bit quick
  • see the good in almost everyone (doesn't apply to undead or evil outsiders)
  • opposes bullies and other oppressors sometimes to his own detriment


Contacts & Relations

  1. The Crew
  2. The Blessed Angels
  3. Hosgarut the Protean
  4. Alzoran the Expiditer
  5. Balakrard Bucknard

Religious Views

An atheist who see the gods of Oerth as simply powerful entities which feed on the psychic energy (worship) of the natives.

Social Aptitude

Extremely socialable.  Gets along with almost anyone.


Can be a little bit of a mumbler.
Current Location
Earth - Contemporary
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
180 lbs
Known Languages
Common, English


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