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Coven of Hura

TYPE: Mystical

SCALE (Reputation): 8 (+2)

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
JOINING: Hura gains members by making pacts to those who strike her fancy (but beware of the consequences)
FAVORED CLASSES: Hexblade, Witch, Warlock
PRESTIGE CLASSES: Eldritch Theurge and Malkonvocer
ASSOCIATED SKILLS: Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Planar), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
PRESTIGE AWARDS: Familiar feats, Augment Summoning and Spell Focus (Conjuration)


The coven is loosely knit.  At any given time Hura has only one to three apprentices.  When she releases them from service they are free to act on their own but are expect to gather during the Witch's Moon, where she gives them instructions.

Public Agenda

Hura, has been both a boon and a bane to the village of Helix.  Her magic has come in handy but there's always a cost.


Potions and Wonderous items


No resident has lived among the environs of Helix than Hura.  Nobody knows where she came from though from many of the talismans in her hut and references she has made it is clear that she has spent considerable time in the Baklunish states and even hints that she has traversed the planes of existance.


Though not gods Hura often makes reference and gives defference to a few know Witch Patrons including:
  • Zybilna
  • The Red Queen
  • Grazz't
  • Babba Yaga
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic-neutral


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