Den Withertongue Character in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Den Withertongue

Den is among the ex-patriot Celene. His father Valeron; settled in the village of Helix some 3 years ago to ply his trade as a bower/fletcher. Some say he still has connections with the Knights of Luna.   As he and his father were preparing to flee the sudden authoritarian reign of Queen Yolande; young Den was visited by a faerie. "One day the kingdom will need those of pure of heart, for I fear the Queen's decisions will lead to ruin." And with that the elf was blessed with a celestial aura (treated as a creature with the good sub-type).

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

His barbed tongue is both a blessing and a curse.  It has gotten him into trouble at times.



"Withertongue" is a nick name given to the young Den, for his ability to throw out a good comeback to those who slight him or his friends.
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