Freya Vesuri Character in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Freya Vesuri

Freya Vesuri

Freya is second last born of a family of four. At the age of 1 when her father disappeared without a trace shortly after the birth of her younger sister Jaana.   Bargle was a sorcerer of some talent, a gift which was passed down to Freya. However the young lady has trouble controlling it at times (if she rolls a "1" on a caster level check a wild surge occurs).   His sudden departure caused the family to nose dive into poverty. Freya's mother Irja has tried her best to keep the Vesuri family homestead productive often recruiting Freya's friends to help with chores.   In order to provide a better future for her daughter, Irja has recruited MAZZAH THE MAGNIFICENT the Helix town wizard to help Freya master her powers.

Mental characteristics


Currently being tutored by the town Wizard: Mazzah's the Magnificient.   The diviner is debating about sending the girl to Castle Hawkmoor to continue her training.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Favored color is green to such a point rarely dresses or accessorizes in anything but.


Obsessed with cleanliness


Family Ties

Irja Vesuri (mother), Bargle Vesuri (father), Jaana Vesuri (younger sister), Outi (older sister married) and Virpi (older siser married)


Current Location
Current Residence
Farm in the Northern plains of Greyhawk
Related Reports
Character Prototype
Sorcerer with a magicians bloodline


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