General Sindol Character in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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General Sindol

(a.k.a. The Silent General; Lord of the Black Legion)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known of Sindols' history other than he appeared by Iuz's side shortly after the old one was freed from the environs of Castle Greyhawk.  A key figure to the demi-gods rise to power, Sindol has been steadfastly loyal for over 30 years.

Personality Characteristics


Doesn't appear to have any movitvations of his own, and often acts quite robotic.   His mission is to serve Iuz.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

In addition to his demonic powers he is a highly trained fighter and mage.


Grooms constantly licking his skin and fur and constantly shedding his snake appendages skin to maintain a flawless luster.


Contacts & Relations

Sindol is one of the few beings which Iuz trusts.

Social Aptitude

Sindol has given much clout to Iuz in the eyes of the denizens of the Abyss.   Few could gather and control the amount of demons under the Silent Generals command (much less craft them into an effective fighting force).


Sindol almost exclusively communicates via telepathy.  He is straight forward and to the point.  He won't use two words when one would suffice.  His telepathic missive are often accentuated by his bestial aspects of the snake and wolf.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Silent General


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