Helix Hellions Organization in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Helix Hellions

A group of troubled kids from the Helix area whose members are comprised of:   OTTOIC (male Human) - The leader of the Hellions. The youth of Helix know him as a bully. The adults however are blinded to his true nature as he seen as courageous having slayed a witch that had imprisoned his mother, resulting in hideous scars from being burned by the hags eldritch flames.   SELMEN (male Human) - Once a part of the PC's clique, he has fallen in with the Hellions. Near deaf and somewhat careless he was an easy target of Ottoic causing the youngest member of the gang to quickly fall in line to avoid the constant harassment. Often off in his own little world many have wondered if that is the secret of his hidden psionic gifts.   SEHTRIM (male Half-orc) - born in the Pomarj, Sehtrim was liberated during a crusade by the Church of St. Cuthbert. The problem was he didn't want to be liberated. He has come to see the Hellions as his new clan and is utterly loyal to them. Though he is a little hindered by a leg injury sustained by being pinned under a fallen mount, his fighting skills are great. He is found of saying "today is a good day to die"   GRENAK (male Human) - Definitely the brains of the Hellions, though he found out the hard way that sometimes brawn wins out (and he has the scar to prove it - courtesy of Ottoic). Since he has been a slavish sycophant of the gangs leader.   ENKA (female Dwarf) - Orphaned after her family was slain in an expedition into the Cairn Hills to find an important artifact to their clan.  The fated trek was against the wishes of the clan as it awakened the black dragon known as Ossithrax, causing terrible retribution.  The result was the Dwarven families banishment.  Enka has since been raised jointly by Othar the town priest and the Dwarven smith Karg who feels sympathetic to the young dwarven maiden.   She sticks out like a sore thumb among the Hellions with bravery and forthrighteousness.  stutters











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