Prestige Rewards in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Prestige Rewards

Prestige points is an alternate reward which can be spent to acquire feats, ability increases and templates.   Characters can spend prestige points to acquire the reward as long as they meet the pre-requisites and has at least 1 prestige point to spend.
A character can go into negative prestige points to purchase a reward, but cannot purchase any other award unitl they have at least 1 prestige point.

If purchasing a Some prestige rewards can be lost. An example would be a villain permanently killing a cohort gained through prestige points.

Leadership Feats (5 prestige points) Affiliation/Allegiance Feats (5 prestige points)
  • based on particular allegiance/affiliation
  • Note: Can only purchase on "special feat" per affiliation outside skill based feats
  Templates (8 per CR adjustment)
  • there may be times where the DM may rule that characters may be able to acquire a template (i.e. bitten by a vampire or lycanthrope)
  Ability Increases (10 prestige points)
  • there may be times where the DM will announce prestige points can be spent to gain an ability score bonus
  • ability increases are always story related (i.e. character spent extended time in a magical library DM may offer a +1 INT bonus as a prestige reward)
  Selling Prestige Points
  • characters can trade in prestige points for gold with a value of a treasure of equal level to the amount of points traded in (maximum equal to characte level).
Campaign Rewards
  • throughout the campaign PCs will have the opportunity to spend prestige points on campaign specific rewards
  • click here for list of rewards


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